
伊斯坦堡 (1) - 藍色清真寺 / Istanbul (1) - The Blue Mosque




這六座宣禮塔據說是由蘇丹和建築師的溝通誤會而來,蘇丹告訴建築師「用金去建宣禮塔」(altın minare),而建築師聽到「建六座宣禮塔」(altı minare)。當然這事的真假己無從孝究,只能把它當故事聽一聽就算了。





 清真寺 vs. 教堂

終於可以進入到禱告大堂,脫鞋,進寺,第一感覺… 好臭!一股氣味迎面而來,分不清是腳臭、鞋、體味還是地氊






六座宣禮塔/The 6 minarets

再來一張夜晚的/Blue Mosque at night

指定動作/The I was here photo

庭院/The outer courtyard

入口的阿拉伯文/Entrance with Arabic script

前庭/The courtyard

被拒於門外/You shall not pass!

前庭的廊道/The corridor in the courtyard

藍色清真寺的模型/A model of the Blue Mosque

舊的淨身泉/The old ablution fountain

現時的淨身泉/The current ablution fountains

樹上「長」出來的宣禮塔/A minarets “sprouted” from a tree

美麗的藍色穹頂/The impressive blue dome

再來一張藍色穹頂/Another photo of the dome

循例的遊客相/The tourist snap

阿拉伯文字和磁瓦圖案/Arabic script and patterned tiles

開闊的空間/So open and spacious

明亮的空間/Very well-lit, full of light

The Blue Mosque is not named Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque is one of Istanbul’s most famous landmarks in my mind, it’s because it’s one of the few I know its name.  In fact, Blue Mosque is not its real name; its proper name is “Sultan Ahmet Camii”.  It’s believed the name “Blue Mosque” comes from how Westerners call it because of its blue tiles inside the prayer hall.

The most special feature of this mosque is its 6 minarets.  The only other ones are the Ka'aba in Mecca and Sabancı Mosque in Adana.  Apparently the Sultan was criticized for thinking a bit too highly of himself.  Anyway, the Sultan overcame the problem by paying for a 7th minaret to be built in Mecca.

Urban legend says the 6 minarets were the result of a misunderstanding between the Sultan and the architect.  Apparently the Sultan told the architect “to build the minarets in gold” (altın minare), but the architect heard “to build 6 minarets” (altı minare).  There’s no way to verify this tale, it is after all, an interesting story, that’s it.

It’s my first real visit to a mosque, apart from you have to take the shoe off before going in, and men and women pray separately, I knew nothing about mosques.

Taking a snap with the landmark is a must.  Once I got away from the vendors, I went into the outer courtyard; it’s surprisingly quiet despite the number of tourist there, gave me a sense of peace and tranquility.

As soon as stepping into the inner courtyard, I was stunned by the complex exterior dome, which captured my gaze.  I then realised the inner courtyard is as big as the prayer hall itself, just imagine the number of people praying all together during prayer time… 

I arrived at the praying time; therefore I couldn’t go into the prayer hall.  So I had time to look around the courtyards and taking photos, which I had a lot of fun…

Mosque vs. Church

Finally I was allowed to go into the prayer hall, after taking my shoes off and getting in, my first thought… it stank!  I was greeted by a strong odour; I had no idea whether it was the feet, shoes, body odour or the carpet…

Once I got used to the smell, I noticed the blue tiled ceiling on the dome, Blue Mosque is a well-deserved name.

I’m a non-believer, but I visited many cathedrals and churches when I traveled in Europe.  Standing here inside in a mosque, I noted three differences between the two.

One - there’s no statues or painting in a mosque.  Apparently it’s because Muslim prohibits the worship of any figure.  Therefore, most Arabic arts are either Arabic script or beautifully patterned tiles.

Two - there’s no seating in the mosque.  Therefore it seemed very open and spacious, unlike some cathedrals and churches.  Everyone kneels on the floor when praying.

Three - because of the large number of rose windows and numerous lightings, it seemed brighter and better lit than many cathedrals and churches.

